Saturday, 30 July 2016

How to find the 3rd element from end in linked list in Java

The problem to find the 3rd element from the end in a singly linked list or nth node from the tail is one of the tricky but frequently asked linked list problems in programming job interviews. The challenge here is to solve the problem in just one pass, i.e. you can not traverse the linked list again and you cannot traverse backward because it's a singly linked list. If you have practiced some linked list problems e.g. finding length, inserting elements, or deleting elements then you should be familiar with traversal. Here, we'll use the same algorithm which we have used to find the middle element of linked list in one pass. The algorithm is also known as tortoise and hare algorithm because of the speed of two pointers used by the algorithm to traverse the singly linked list.
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Sunday, 24 July 2016

How to read a text file using Scanner in Java? Example Tutorial

As I told you before that there are multiple ways to read a file in Java e.g. FileReader, BufferedReader, and FileInputStream. You chose the Reader or InputStream depending upon whether you are reading text data or binary data, for example, the BufferedReader class is mostly used to read a text file in Java. The Scanner class is also another way to read a text file in java. Even though Scanner is more popular as a utility to read user input from the command prompt, you will be glad to know that you can also read a file using Scanner. Similar to BufferedReader, it provides buffering but with a smaller buffer size of 1KB and you can also use the Scanner to read a file line by line in Java. Similar to readLine(), Scanner class also have nextLine() method which return the next line of the file. Scanner also provides parsing functionality e.g. you can not only read text but parse it into correct data type e.g. nextInt() can read integer and nextFloat() can read float and so on.
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Saturday, 23 July 2016

Difference between row_number(), rank() and dense_rank() in SQL Server, Oracle.

Though all three are ranking functions in SQL, also known as window function in Microsoft SQL Server, the difference between rank(), dense_rank(), and row_number() comes when you have ties on ranking i.e. duplicate records. For example, if you are ranking employees by their salaries then what would be the rank of two employees of same salaries? It depends on upon which ranking function you are using e.g. row_number, rank, or dense_rank. The row_number() function always generates a unique ranking even with duplicate records i.e. if the ORDER BY clause cannot distinguish between two rows, it will still give them different rankings, though which record will come earlier or later is decided randomly e.g. in our example two employees Shane and Rick have the same salary and has row number 4 and 5, this is random, if you run again, Shane might come 5th.
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Monday, 18 July 2016

How to calculate GCF and LCM of two numbers in Java? Example

This week's programming exercise is to write a Java program to calculate GCF and LCM of two numbers. The GCF, stands for Greatest common factor and LCM stands for Lowest common multiplier, both are popular mathematical operation and related to each other. The GCF is the largest number which divides both the number without leaving any remainder e.g. if two numbers are 24 and 40 then their GCF is 8 because 8 is the largest number which divides both 24 and 40 perfectly, without leaving any remainder. Similarly, LCM is the lowest number which is perfectly divisible by the two number, for example, if given number is 40 and 24 then their LCM is 120 because this is the lowest number which is perfectly divisible by both 40 and 24.
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Friday, 15 July 2016

Difference in String pool between Java 6 and 7

String pool in Java is a pool of String literals and interned Strings in JVM for efficient use of String object. Since String is immutable in Java, it makes sense to cache and shares them in JVM. The String pool has gone through an important change in Java 7 release when it was relocated from PermGen space to heap space. Till Java 1.6, interned String and literals are stored in the PermGen space of JVM memory, which was a fixed size area for storing class metadata. The biggest issue of having String pool in PermGen is the small and fixed size of PermGen space. In some JVM it ranges from 32M to 96M, which is quite small for a large program. Since String is extensively used in both small and large Java application, Java designers thought String pool is the best way optimize the use of String object in Java.
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Monday, 11 July 2016

Binary Tree PreOrder Traversal in Java - Recursion and Iteration Example

Unlike linked list and array which can only be traversed linearly, there are several ways to traverse a binary tree. The tree traversal algorithms are mainly divided into two parts, depth first and breadth first. As their name suggests, in depth first, the tree is traversed downwards (towards the depth) before the next sibling is visited, the PreOrder, InOrder and PostOrder traversal of a binary tree are actually depth-first traversals. On the breadth first, the entire breadth of the tree is traversed before moving to next level, hence it is also known as level order traversal. There are other algorithms to traverse a binary tree as well e.g. Monte Carlo tree search, which concentrates on analyzing the most promising moves, but the pre-order, post-order, and in-order traversal are the most popular ways to traverse a binary tree in Java. They are also the most popular data structure and algorithm questions at beginner and intermediate level.
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Saturday, 9 July 2016

Eclipse - How to add/remove external JAR into Java Project's Classpath

There are multiple ways you can add an external JAR into the classpath of a Java project in Eclipse, but all goes via adding them into build path. Many beginner's struggles to add JARs into classpath and we will try to address that problem in this tutorial. You will learn step by step tutorial to add an internal or third party JAR in your application's CLASSPATH in Eclipse Indigo. Since this feature has hardly changed in any Eclipse version, you can follow same steps in Eclipse Kepler, Indigo, and Juno version to add JARs into classpath. Since Eclipse is the most popular Java IDE and used by many companies, it's important for a Java developer to know Eclipse in and out. It will not only help to work better but also to create the better impression among your teammates.
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Thursday, 7 July 2016

How to remove duplicate rows from a table in SQL

There are a couple of ways to remove duplicate rows from a table in SQL e.g. you can use a temp tables or a window function like row_number() to generate artificial ranking and remove the duplicates. By using a temp table, you can first copy all unique records into a temp table and then delete all data from the original table and then copy unique records again to the original table. This way, all duplicate rows will be removed, but with large tables, this solution will require additional space of the same magnitude of the original table. The second approach doesn't require extra space as it removes duplicate rows directly from the table. It uses a ranking function like row_number() to assign a row number to each row.
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Tuesday, 5 July 2016

10 Examples to read a text file in Java

The Java IO API provides two kinds of interfaces for reading files, streams and readers. The streams are used to read binary data and readers to read character data. Since a text file is full of characters, you should be using a Reader implementations to read it. There are several ways to read a plain text file in Java e.g. you can use FileReader, BufferedReader or Scanner to read a text file. Every utility provides something special e.g. BufferedReader provides buffering of data for fast reading, and Scanner provides parsing ability. You can also use both BufferedReader and Scanner to read a text file line by line in Java. Then Java SE 8 introduces another Stream class which provides a lazy and more efficient way to read a file.
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Saturday, 2 July 2016

Printing Largest and Smallest of N numbers without using Array in Java

One of the common programming questions is, how do you find the largest and smallest number in N numbers without using arrays in Java? Can you write a program to solve this problem? Well, it's very similar to the problem we have seen before, find the largest and smallest of 3 integers. You can use the same approach and generalize it for N numbers. All you need to do is start with largest as Integer.MIN_VALUE and smallest number as Integer.MAX_VALUE and loop through N numbers. At each iteration, compare the number with the largest and smallest number, if the current number is larger than largest than its a new largest and if the current number is smaller than smallest than its a new smallest number.
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How to take array input in Java using Scanner - Example

There is no direct way to take array input in Java using Scanner or any other utility, but it's pretty easy to achieve the same by using standard Scanner methods and asking some questions to the user. For example, if you want to take a one-dimensional array of String as input then you can first ask the user about the length of the array and then you can use a for loop to retrieve that many elements from user and store them in an array. You can use the next() to take a String input from the user. Similarly, if you need to take an integer array or double array, you can use nextInt() or nextDouble() method of Scanner class. Some programmer may still stuck and ask, how about taking a two-dimensional array as input? Well isn't that pretty easy by applying some maths?
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