Saturday, 23 April 2016

Top 10 Google Interview Questions for Software Engineer - Books, Resources

These Google interview questions are some of my favorites collected from different sources. Every Programmer knows that Google is one of the best technology company and its dream for many software developers to work for google, but at same time interview process at google is very tough and only a few genuine intelligent programmers get through their interview process. Google interview questions have always been a good topic of discussion when few young software developer gathered around, I can still remember when one of my friends got a call from google for an interview then how the whole bunch was got excited. We have searched a lot on the internet on google interview questions and answers for him and us and then make a note of some of the best questions for preparation. I am listing down some google interview questions from that list. 
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Friday, 22 April 2016

Difference between notify and notifyAll in Java - When and How to use

notify vs notifyAll in Java
What is the difference between notify and notifyAll method is one of the tricky Java questions, which is easy to answer but once Interviewer asks follow-up questions, you either got confused or not able to provide clear-cut and to the point answers? The main difference between notify and notifyAll is that notify method will only notify one Thread and notifyAll method will notify all Threads  which are waiting on that monitor or lock. By the way, this is something you have been reading in all over places and to be frank,  this statement despite being correct is not complete and its very difficult to understand difference between notify vs notifyAll by just reading this statement. Lot of questions comes in mind like

Which thread will be notified if I use notify()?
How do I know how many threads are waiting, so that I can use notifyAll() ?
How to call notify()?
What are these thread waiting for being notified etc?

Actually, discussion of notify and notifyAll is incomplete without discussing wait method in Java and I had touched based on this on my earlier article why to wait and notify must be called from synchronized context. In for order to get answer to those questions and understand difference between notify and notifyAll we will use a simple Java Thread example using wait and notify code :
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Tuesday, 19 April 2016

Difference between ExecutorService.submit() and Executor.execute() methods in Java?

What is the difference between Executor.submit() and Executor.execute() method in Java? is one of the good multi-threading questions for experienced Java programmers, mostly asked in Investment Banks like Barclays, Deutsche Bank, or Citibank. A main difference between the submit() and execute() method is that ExecuterService.submit()can return result of computation because it has a return type of Future, but execute() method cannot return anything because it's return type is void. The core interface in Java 1.5's Executor framework is the Executor interface which defines the execute(Runnable task) method, whose primary purpose is to separate the task from its execution.
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Sunday, 10 April 2016

Difference between Oracle SQL Query vs Microsoft SQL Server 2008 or Sybase

Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server are two of the most popular database but they are very different with each other and if you are migrating SQL queries or database, tables from Oracle 11g database to Microsoft SQL Server 2008 then you are bound to face some issues. Main reason of these porting issues are features which are supported and exists in Oracle database, but not available in Microsoft SQL Server 2008 like SEQUENCE, Order by clause in subqueries, and derived tables, derived table without name etc. I am sure there are few more and it will surface based upon different database objects you are using in your tables and queries. On another hand SQL engine for SQL Server and Sybase are very much similar, at least syntactically, and if you are migrating queries from SQL Server to Sybase you can do that without much hassle, of course, there will be slight changes but not as much like Oracle.
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What is purpose of different HTTP Request Types in RESTful Web Service?

RESTful web services heavily rely on HTTP by design. They use different HTTP methods to perform their job and uses HTTP response code to inform clients about success or failure of a particular request. REST stands for Representational State transfer and it uses HTTP to allow two systems to communicate via remote calls. RESTFul web services is a collection of REST URI which points to resources. These URI can point to a single resource of a collection of resource. For example, you would expect /employee/101 to contain details employee with 101 and /employees to return a list of all employees. In RESTFul web service, HTTP request types signify the action to take for the resource.
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Saturday, 9 April 2016

3 Ways to Solve jQuery - Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined Error

If you are using jQuery, Angualr JS or plain old JavaScript and getting "Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined" error which means $ is either a variable or a method which you are trying to use before declaring it using var keyword. In jQuery, it's a short name of jQuery() function and most commonly used in $(document).ready(function()). If you are doing some jQuery stuff when DOM is loaded and getting this error it means your browser has a problem loading jQuery library either from the internet or local file system. In this article, you will see some of the most common reasons of "Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined" error and how to solve them, but before that let's learn some basic about the dreaded Uncaught ReferenceError: $ is not defined error.
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Sunday, 3 April 2016

How to Convert Result of SELECT Command to Comma Separated String in SQL Server

Sometimes, you need the result of SQL SELECT clause as a comma separated String e.g. if you are outputting ids of white-listed products. By default, the SELECT command will print each row in one line and you get a column of names or ids. If you need a comma separated String then you probably need to use a text editor like Notepad++, Edit Plus, or a tool like Microsoft Excel to convert that column of values into a big CSV String. I often use a text editor like edit plus to replace the \n to comma (,) to create such CSV string because it support regular expression based find and replace operation. Suddenly, a thought came to my mind, why not do this in T-SQL in the SQL Server. It would not only save the time but also give you options like create a sorted list of comma separated String using order by clause. It's a nice trick and useful in many scenarios especially if you are working with data drive application.
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Saturday, 2 April 2016

10 Examples of Converting a List to Map in Java 8

Suppose you have a List of objects, List and you want to convert that to a Map, where a key is obtained from the object and value is the object itself, how do you do it by using Java 8 stream and lambda expression? Prior to Java 8, you can do this by iterating through the List and populating the map by keys the and values. Since it's iterative approach and if you are looking for a functional solution then you need to use the stream and lambda expression, along with some utility classes like Collectors, which provides several useful methods to convert Stream to List, Set or Map. In the past, we have seen how to use the Collectors.groupingBy() method to group elements in Set and In this article, we will use Collectors.toMap() method to convert a List of an object into a Map in Java.
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